Sunday 1 December 2019


Under some conditions the connect and disconnect buttons were not enabled when they should have been. Improved performance 6x speed increase when transferring many small files over low latency connections. Added [Translation] input validation for the Personal ID number field. Fixed [DNS] When resolving the server hostname some DNS servers are returning two identical IP records, if the connection fails this can result in an immediate retry attempt and an endless loop ignoring any defined retry delay. Fixed a situation where the local browser could appear blank and or not update correctly after a non-critical failure while navigating.

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Improved the way site to site transfers are aborted. All controls should now provide proper descriptions when tabbed, mouse over, or selected.

All times are GMT The selected items might appear selected but attempting to perform an operation such as fflashfxp would fail.

Added [Translation] input validation for the Personal ID number field. Fixed an issue that could sometimes result in erroneous transfer failed message on connection lost when there was no transfer in progress.

FlashFXP released - FlashFXP Forums

Fixed [status window] drawing issue where in some situations the last lines of dlashfxp might be delayed and not shown until the FlashFXP window was activated or the status window was scrolled. Improved FTP uploading where the flashvxp would sometimes be dropped at the end of the transfer.

Many code optimizations and performance speed improvements. This issue was detected when using a Socks5 proxy but it's likely that other situations also triggered this issue. Several minor fixes in the remote file edits feature.


The time now is Improved performance 6x speed increase flashvxp transferring many small files over low latency connections. Fixed access violation error that would sometimes occur when renaming a folder.

News All the latest News and Information. Promote FlashFXP on your website and get paid for it! This race condition caused things in FlashFXP to malfunction. Fixed [DNS] When resolving the server hostname some DNS servers are returning two identical IP records, if the connection fails this can result in an immediate retry attempt and an endless loop ignoring any defined retry delay. Several minor fixes in the remote sever search fkashfxp.

Added a 60 second data socket connection timeout, this is the maximum time FlashFXP wait for a data connection to connect. Improved content layout and position when using large fonts or font scaling. Changed the way the local browser handles windows shortcuts when "use accurate shell icons" is unchecked.

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If you find some issues please let us know so that we can get flshfxp resolved. Previously there was no clear way to set this. Fixed [upload] file read error during file upload. Fixed [server file search] crash if you close FlashFXP while the server file search is dialog open.

Improved screen reader support.

Connecting with a IP address was unaffected. Fixed list-view column text, it was rendered upside down and reversed on some systems. Fixed [Site Manager] crash when performing a site list search when the selected site is modified and not yet saved. This should make it easier to manage sites, specifically when wanting to delete or move a selection of sites at a time.

Fixed a situation flasyfxp the local browser could appear blank and or not update correctly after a non-critical failure while navigating.

Fixed several issues when performing a remote move folder operation. Added [Site Manager] multiple select to the site list. This new method has been tested with pure-ftpd, gene6 ftp, proftpd, glftpd, ioftpd, vsftpd, drftpd, and serv-u. Flasshfxp check is on the source file location.

Fixed an issue where the user was unable to transfer any files after canceling a transfer, the cancel flag was not reset in some situations.

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